From seed to flour

From the field to the transformation in flour, to its actual usage, our wheat grain goes through many steps. All of them are characterized by an extreme attention to detail and thought to preserve the product’s integrity.

From the varieties’ selection to the analysis on different levels, from the processing – both in milling cylinders and stone ones – to the sieving, from the packaging to the stocking, all phases are designed to obtain products that satisfy the clients’ demand.

1. Selection

The selection of wheat and cereal varieties is the first step of the production process, and it is fundamental in order to obtain high quality flours.

This phase is particularly delicate due to the fact that it requires the knowledge of the main qualities and properties of the different cultivations.

Such a thing allows diverse milling qualities and consequently, specific flours for every use. Only certified grains are accepted and can initiate the transformation process.

2. Stocking

The first step inside our installation is the stocking of approved cereals.

The proper conservation of our raw material is crucial to protect the grains’ integrity and their organoleptic features; as well as to avoid excessive overheating of wheat masses.

Furthermore our Bio-dedicated plant grant the chasing of the product and it also avoids possible contaminations with non-organic grains.


The beginning of the grain’s and raw materials’ analysis are taken during the phases of selection and stocking, both for what concerns specific weight and humidity. To prevent the presence of foreign bodies inside the loads, sample analysis is made; they also allow to verify the wheat’s quality and characteristics.

All entering grains and flours produced in our Molino are carefully controlled by our laboratory, that completing more than 5.500 analysis per year 100 % fully covers all entering products. Multiresidual, Microbiological , Allergens, Heavy Metals, Filth Test ,among the many controls physico­chemical, rheological, pharinographic and microtoxical analysis are made. To be furthermore sure our flours pass through another external laboratory that verifies the grain and flour’s properties.

4. Cleansing

Once the grains have been analysed they are ready for the cleansing phase. During the procedure an optical sorter is employed to identify the product from foreign bodies and seeds, that includes : sick, stained or broken grains but also harvest’s leftovers like dirt or small rocks. We also exploit a stone husking machine in order to eliminate the majority of bran and its bacterial charge through a superficial abrasive action carried out by specific diamond-dust grindstones. At this point the product is sent to the rolling mill or stone mill for an initial treating.

5. Grinding phase

Rolling mills are the real protagonists of this process: they are necessary since they permit to singularly treat every step of the grinding, both for wheat and cereals. There are two types of rolling mills because they allow specified treatment at different times during the production, depending on the flour. During the process the grains pass through the plansichter, an apparatus whose objective is to sift and classify.

The parts which are still unrefined are sent back to be reinserted in the process, the ones which reach a halfway result go on in the production and the refined ones are classified as flours and sent to the stocking. This process takes place likewise through stone grinding.

6. Packaging

In our packaging lines flours are bagged and prepared in different formats depending on the market’s request. Our formats are divided in two categories: small sacks, either from 500g or 1kg, and bigger ones which are divided respectively in bags of 5kg, 25kg or big bag.

Either made of paper or protective atmosphere, which is able to preserve the flour’s freshness up until 18 months. Furthermore, all our flours can be purchased loose directly from cisterns. In any case, all measures are applied to guarantee the correct conservation of flour and maintain its properties unaltered.

7. Logistics

Our sacks are conserved in a brand new warehouse characterised by vast spaces, order, cleanliness and controlled temperature. Only means of transportation which can guarantee the flour’s integrity and flavour are used. Moreover, we put effort into building our staff to move and preserve the product in the best possible way.